Monday, November 29, 2010

Life An Endless battle For My grandfather:: Mysterious Days

For a person like my grandfather, who worked for nearly 14-15 hours, when he get out of the job line after retirement, he turned to a real trouble for the aged persons, surely a very good parent for the grandsons and granddaughters. This set true for my grandfather. He sent his younger son, my uncle to Dumka for his higher studies, and with him he gave 1man rice( 40KG approx), which my father took it on his head and travelled to Dumka, with his brother not talking to him, neither he talking to him. After the graduation, my father was doing his LLB in TNB College, Bhagalpur. After which he was offered a job on the shifarish of my grandfather, and he's appointed as the Steno of the DDC, Khagaria. But my uncle was not interested in this job structure, but my grandfather filled his form for a post in Central Bank, and forcibly made him to give the exams, with my father, who had came on leave for the Greha Pravesh of the new building. My grandfather with his earning, had acquired nearly 1 bigha jameen in the town. So, my father went and with him, went the clash. But the aunt in the capital city Patna can't bear it and finally made them talk after 13-14 years.

My uncle got the job, and he fled to Katihar, and my father to Khagharia. But the silence between my grandparents didn't broke. And the days for their marriage started.

Firstly, my aunt was married to my mother's uncle, and my father to my mother, in which my grandfather didn't take any part, except, helping financially. Then a trouble came as in the form of the land in front of our house, which my uncle bought on his name, taking nearly the deposits for m my grandfather, which he'd saved for the marriage of his second daughter. And so, my uncle married a girl of same caste, but of bad character and my second aunt to his brother, who killed him soon afterwards my aunt number 3 was married and made her murder an accidental case. It really broke my grandfather and made her so mad that he started sending letters to them, to police officers, so instantly to overcome his loneliness, and soon everyone take it as a fun to recieve his letters and throw it right away. This conspiracy had surely something to do with my uncle's wife, but she made my uncle believe that it was accidental and took her child under her possession, in spite of the fact that my father and my grandfather asked for the postmartem of the body, which they were completely against of. Now my aunt's husband deed paid him off as now he's become mad, and is ready to be admitted to Kanke Hospital, Ranchi.    

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