Friday, November 26, 2010

Life An Endless battle For My grandfather:: Silence Begins

After the independent days, he's gifted with another child, just a little change in sex, it was a boy. But he also died, this time in City hospital. These were hard times for my gramma, and granddad. He's to control his feelings and had to support his wife's feeling. Then came his father for the aid, and this time he consulted our native Guru, who gave them many taabizes, and bhasm, and asked the next child to be born within the range of cotton, and be far from the people's eye.

They followed it, and went to Bhagalpur to have their child far from their native, and my father was born. And finally they had their son, and happiness came their way. Just as we say,"Whenever God gives, he gives in number." Soon, their house were filled with the noise of seven children. Two elder sons, and five daughter to follow.

 But with numbers, comes problems. My uncle was never a nice boy. He was habituated to all bad activities. He was so accustomed to movies that he used to stole money from my grandfather's pocket to watch movies, and if my grandfather got to know about it, he left the office and went to theatre and bring him back with his streched ear, to which rest would laugh. This created hatred between my uncle and my father, which continues till now, and don't like changing with my bad attitude uncle. My father also had a lust for movies, but he followed more of a classical approach, where he'd asked his maa before going to the movies.

In this hatred one day, my uncle threw a battery with its full swing towards my father which hit him directly in his forehead, thus missing the target, eyes. He went unconscious there, which made him admitted to the hospittalized, and what he got was few slaps, which he was already accustomed to. My grandmother, using her mind told my father to avoid his brother, and stop talikng to him. This really became a hurdle. They both didn't talk to each other, from a five-year boy to 18-year adult. It meant 13 years, they didn't talked to each other. My father had a lot of such experiences. Even my aunts had not good ties with their brothers, rightly so. If boy is fed with milk, and girl with rice, the girl had full right to be jealous.

After so many years, when my grandfather can't tolerate this anymore, he asked his wife to try to break the shakles, and make them talked normal, to which she resisted and then came a big vow, taken by my grandfather, if you can't make them talk, then you should also feel the pain, and he didn't talked to her from 1974-2007. A 33 years of silence, in which both didn't talked, just bear the responsibility of caring their child, and gave them better education. 

Till his job, he didn't require his wife. Because he left early in the morning, and came back at night. Both time, his daughter would feed him. 

Then came, the most difficult situation

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