Thursday, November 18, 2010

L​ife: An Endless Battle For My Grandfather:: The Childhood Days

               He's born on a rainy day, in the month of july with his mother suffering from problem of overpuberty stage, and after some days as I had already told you, died giving my Grandfather, Late Sri Ravindranath Ghose, a bad omen name. Every relative were cursing him that he swallowed his mother's life, just as he's born, and doubted what he'll do as he grew up. He's given to his nana-nani for his development as his father and my Great Grandfather  Late Sri BadriNath Ghose, were always moving here and there, due to the British Government duty. 
               As he started growing, the comments started affecting him badly, and really he feel like that he'd killed his mother, but his nana told him that the relatives have evil thoughts agaist you, so they want to trouble you. He understood his family bargling, who are just telling them to hurt him, and take pleasure out of it. 
              He's very good in studies, so he passed all the exams very easily. He followed a tough routine, as adviced by his nana( maternal grandfather). he woke up at 4o'clock, study till 7o'clock, then do the daily work, and then went to school, returns at 3o'clock, then have his lunch, then nana would give Gita Gyan, then again go to study from 6o'clock, and went to sleep at 10pm. Everything went according to the plan. But something unexpected happened different from the plan.
              He's 8 years old, when an accident happened taking away his nana's life. He'd drowned in Paparni lake of the village Dumrama in Banka District of Bihar,that time Bhagalpur, and in the same year, his father lost his job, and his nani died as she can't bear his husband dyeing, and she also died. He was completely shattered after this. The relatives said both the problems were due to his ill fate. 
              Then only some money, which his father had saved, and some money earned by his father by doing the duty of a tutor at some house continued his studies. He moved to Bhagalpur where his father's brother lived, and started learning typing work, for which he covered 13-14 kms on the rusty and tattering roads of the city, barefooted. This was real dedication. His performance in all the field were making his uncle jealous.
             When he's in Class 10, to give the board exams, he required Rs. 12.50, but his father's savings were too less to upheld that, , whic was too big at that stage, so his father asked his brother
which his brother didn't gave. He pleaded before him, but he didn't give because he didn't want his brother's son to be matriculate, which was a very big thing at that time. Then his teacher gave him those money when he saw him crying, and thus he finally became a matriculate at the age of 13. His nani spend all his savings to give sweets to the complete village, as his grandson was the first matriculate from the village, especially to his uncle, who really burned in his jealousy.                     

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