Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Last Few Hours At Magna

Wow, what to say? I don't know what to say in this situation. My first feeling. After a quick and hard 6months of life in the company, it is the day for departure. Everyone reminds you of that, why i don't know? Asks sweets, treats. But for what, while joining a person can give a party, but at the time of exit, when the eyes are watery with emotions, how can a persons give a treat.

Six months past like a rocket, i don't know how quickly, it past. I feel like it was yesterday that I's introduced to Maninder Sir,Naresh and Amar Sir, and we had our first chat. And now my term is over. What remains with me is the memory which I'd keep in my mind and in my camera.Today I feel my topic of the blog is correct. Who knows those days will come or not?

I'll always remember the laughing periods with Naresh & Amar, the boring life at the initial Kormangala shift, the bengali talkative Saurav and Debasri, the pandoras box system of priya Thakur and Geeta P, the birthday celebration with the IBM team, the initial hello to Sushma and Sandeep at the morning, the Roaring shout of Shweta which had always made me a bheegi billi, the jokes with Mamta R, the hatred with Chaitra because of her attitude, the soft talks with Siddharth, Syed ands Veena, and always the chulbuli Nayan.

What's a life which I'm going to miss.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Irony In An Exit

In a job, there is a real fight to survive. You may say suddenly, what happened to me that I'm writing the irony in a job, but what to say yesterday i witnessed some of the real irony in my company.
I take the first condition and the easiest one first, where you perform well, and completes your tenure with ease, and when they leave, they go outside the company proudly, shaking their hands with everyone. Yesterday, was the last date of Alka, in the company. When she's leaving, she took the snaps of everyone to remember her six months in the company, shook hands with everybody, everyone cheering at her. What more you require, in a job.
On the other hand, Rupesh left the job to fulfill his parents wish, who want him close to them. So, his team member organized a farewell party for him. Where his Manager, was boasting about his credibility, that he is the synonym of dedication and perfection. He want him to continue his job, but Rupesh wasn't ready. His team leader said Rupesh did the job with so much dedication that even in his fever, he had visited clients place, and completed his job. He was a big asset for the team. It's nice to hear some nice things about yourself in the leaving time, eventhough told only from mouth, not from heart.Rupesh too became emotional, hearing so much nice words. Its a real nice exit from the company.
The other part is if you're too flattery, and you gain the confidence of your boss, then you can have a real happy time.
Now, the irony, as we know irony won't be there if there is no other end of the story. In a private company, you can't tell the guaranty of the job. You're well and good till you do everything fine, and one mistake and you're out. This happened yesterday to Amir. I and amir were talkative friends, but yesterday, the BDM of my team fired him out, and make him terminated from the company. He left the company without telling anyone, quitely and sadly, leaving everything behind. I really felt bad about him, and was really sad the complete evening. This is the worst kind of exit from the company.
The other type of exit, is if you screw the company out with lots and lots of money with you. Like Chandrasekhar did. He looted the company and left the company.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Love With A Doll

  In the world of arranged marriages, first meetings can be intimidating. But when Surpiya, a 22-year-old beautician from Mumbai, was to meet a computer engineer on a date set up by her parents, she knew she wasn’t going alone. Guddi, a plump plastic doll with sea-green eyes, a chewed leg and rough blonde hair, had accompanied her everywhere since childhood — to school, to homes of relatives and now to people’s homes where she blow-dried her hair and painted nails. At first, the computer engineer found Guddi’s appearance on their date cute. But after they got engaged and Supriya started thrusting the doll on her lap and talking to it during movies, Guddi didn’t seem so cute anymore. “She was so attached to the doll that she felt they were partners. She would get extremely anxious when the doll was not around,” says psychologist Seema Hingorrany, who is now counselling the woman after her finance convinced her to seek help. “Obviously, her behaviour stemmed from deep-rooted attachment disorders. One of her parents was extremely critical and dominating in her early years,” she adds.

    Supriya confessed she felt that in a ruthless world where people broke her trust, it was her doll that accepted her the way she was. It was the same feeling that made a 37-yearold former soldier from San Francisco ‘marry’ the steely Eiffel Tower. The former soldier changed her name to Erika La Tour Eiffel and even had an intimate ceremony attended by a few friends. Twenty eight-year-old Japanese Lee Jin-gyu, married his pillow, which bore the anime character Fate Testarossa, in a ceremony conducted by a priest. Both Eiffel and Jin-gyu called themselves ‘objectum sexual’, a word first coined by Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer, the 54-year-old woman who has been ‘married’ to the Berlin Wall for 29 years. A network for objectum sexuals explains the phenomenon as “believing objects to have souls, intelligence, feelings, and the ability to communicate”.

    Some psychologists say that ‘objectum sexuality’ (where humans appear more hostile than inanimate objects) usually stems from having been treated in early childhood like ‘an inanimate, unfeeling object’.

    Hingorrany explains that attachment issues, dominating parents or peers and marital discord amplified by the lack of a vent perpetuate the condition. “The challenge is to get these patients to come to terms with the truth, provide adequate trauma therapy and medication, as well as build coping resources and support systems. The biggest problem is, in India, we still try and hush things up.”

    When Sachin, a young IT professional from Mumbai, started talking to his plant and staying up late in the night to make sure it was all right, his family dismissed it as a quirk. When his mother broached the topic of marriage and he told her that he was already in a relationship with the plant, she laughed it off. Each time she pulled out a photo of a prospective bride, he would shut himself out and his mother couldn’t hold back her tears. “He thought the plant was his wife. He would pour his heart out to her and couldn’t bear

the thought of cheating on his wife,” says Hingorrany, admitting that as a psychologist she found it hard to not be surprised. “He was suffering from extreme psychosis, weaving stories in his head and living in a fantasy world.”

    The psychologist says that after examining Sachin’s history, she discovered that he had trouble integrating into his peer group. “He found solace in his own world and was delusional,” she explains.

    Dr Harish Shetty, visiting psychiatrist at Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, says the condition can be seen through various prisms. “If you look at this from a Freudian lens, you will associate it with sexuality. But you can view this from spiritual, ideological and philosophical perspectives too, like in the case of Meera and her idol of Lord Krishna.”

    Sometimes, explains Shetty, an object symbolises a memory. “A woman might be attached to the Taj Mahal because her boyfriend broke up with her there. There is a bond with old memories,” he says.

    Dr Samir Parikh, chief psychiatrist at Max Healthcare, says that if a person loses touch with reality, he/she has crossed all borders of normalcy. “If an attachment interferes with a person’s day-to-day functioning, there is no doubt that the person requires immediate help,” he says. “It is one thing to be fond of your pen and another to speak to it.”

    A Mumbai-based psychologist, who requested anonymity, says that these cases may stem from fear of rejection. “Objects don’t let people down and this sort of relationship might attract someone who has had trouble coping with rejection earlier or is very lonely.”

    Like this one man, obviously suffering from OCD, who admitted that he was ‘best friends’ with his computer. He would wake up in the middle of the night to make sure no one was fidgeting with it or intruding on his space. “These cases are few and far in between, but are an indicator of our increasingly fragmented and unsocial set up,” explains Hingorrany.

Courtesy This news is directly taken from TOI.

Bechara Aadmi:A Picture Description

A​n Autobiography of My Grandfather : End Days

After the heart break of his daughter's death, his health started deteriorating and in this state only, he got the news of his fourth daughter married to the murderer, and he can't do anything to stop. But, my aunt unlike my elder aunt didn't went to his house, and demanded a new house out of the cards. So, he made a new haouse at Deoghar as a matter of blessing in disguise, and my father helped him make it.Till then, his new born son,Golu was being cared by my uncle, and his other son from my fourth aunt, was  taken care by my grandpaprents.
In between, my last and the smallest aunt's groom hunt started, and he said us directly that he'd not be part of any daughter's wedding now. My father went everywhere,but finally got a senior scientist as his groom. And from then, the monetary problems in the family started and the money-named-ghost didn't end yet now, even most of our lands had been sold, and my uncle generally responsible for that. To resist that trouble, he took more loans from the wrong doers, in which my eldest aunt was involved, taking the revenge of being disgraced as sons and daughters. Now, my uncle heads nowhere, with lots and lots of debt under his belt, and with no job in his hand,it looks impossible to end.
In the meanwhile, my eldest aunt in her agony, started taking the payment my granddad gets after retirement, landing him to the help of my father, which he's heartly welcomed, but he also can't bear that someone takes the money from his dad's hand to give it to some local goons. The blood pressure of my granddad increased day by day, and then got a big heart attack, and then my aunts,instead of helping himn send it to our house, in which gramma was already there. It was nice that both granddad and gramma were there in the first time in our house.
He got nice treatment, and slowly and bye and bye, we tried to make conversation between both. And we succeded too. It was 30th of May,2004 when he took the water from me, and grammaa was chatting with him, and suddenly an attack came and he leaved us alone in this world.

A Strange Love Letter: In Recruiters Version

Dearest Ms Aarti,

I am very happy to inform you that I have fallen in Love with you since the 20th of October (Thursday). With reference to the meeting held between us on the 19th of Oct. at 1500hrs, I would like to present myself as a prospective lover. Our love affair would be on probation for a period of three months and depending on compatibility, would be made permanent.  Of course, upon completion of probation, there will be continuous on the job training and performance appraisal schemes leading up to promotion from lover to spouse. The expenses incurred for coffee and entertainment would initially be shared equally between us. Later, based on your performance, I might take! up a larger share of the expenses. However I am broadminded enough to be taken care of, on your expense account.

     I request you to kindly respond within 30 days of receiving this letter, failing which, this offer would be cancelled without further notice and I shall be considering someone else. I would be happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to take up this offer.
Wish you all the best!
Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely,
A Lover

Thursday, December 2, 2010

JVM: A New Dimension To Jharkhand Politics

Till few years back, Jharkhand was ruled by either BJP/JDU combination, or JMM?Cong. combination, but after the departure of Babulal Marandi from the BJP, the BJP losed its control in the region, especially in the Santhal Parganas, and now is its state so bad that it had to take the support of the JMM, the same JMM which had its Leader, Sibu Soren which is being charged of being in the murder of his own secretary, and also in the bribe case of P.V. Narsimha Govt., and the same JMM, to whom BJP considered as Anti-Development and was thrashing at each portal in the time of elections, and after elections, in the politics of plus and minus, they joined hand with them, thus demolishing their ideologies, and reputation. But in this event, the best thing happened that JVM/Cong. increased its reputation, and surely they're going to be the winner out of next State Assembly.
JVM, which was just a new party in last election, under the leadership of Babulal marandi, who is called to be the runner of development in Jharkhand came hard winning 1/4th of the total seats, and 50% of the places they fought. And now, in this election, they're going to sweep the new ruling BJP/JMM/AAJSU combination as Nitish did in Bihar. The people of Jharkhand had been very keen to see Babulal on the CM seat. And finally hoping that the elctoral supports me, and made him CM, it'll really great for the degradinh Jharkhand.
Today, we can see the Jharkhand politics has now a new rival, so making it a four-dimesional politics, with JMM/BJP?JDU on one side, and Congress/JMM on other side, and RJD/LJP on others side, and CPI/CPI(M) on the last side.